Sunday, June 24, 2018

I DID IT !!!

Today when I stepped on my scale I discovered that I have reached my goal weight, I am now 200 pounds. I am very proud of myself for accomplishing this goal.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

last 10

I am trying to lose the last ten pounds to reach my goal. These last ten are frustrating the living hell out of me , the fluctuation is incredible. One day I only have four more to lose, the next time I step on the scale I have 7 to lose then 9 then 8, then 6, then 9. People tell me that the last ten act like this, what I want to know is how do they know they are the last ten, if I were to change my goal would these come off easy like the rest did? I have some emotional stuff going on, my therapist says my body is holding on to things because my psyche is feeling like it is losing control. I just want these last ten pounds to be gone so I can figure out maintenance. I was doing so well, and now it is all over the place, this is not helping me feel as if I have any control in my life. I feel like I am going to lose the control I do have, that I am going to have some sort of break-down.